Main Features
Ultra powerful and fastest Alex + Unrivalled Nd:YAG
DEKA exclusive technology that drastically reduces the loss of reflected energy
Flexible dual-wavelength system for reliable, cost-effective and fast treatments
Highest power in the market Power
The highest Speed worldwide
No Reflection = 100% Energy Absorbtion
Effective in vascular treatment for both face and legs
Maximum Effectiveness at Lower Power for Total Safety
Combat the physical and psychological discomfort caused by vitiligo and psoriasis with Excilite-μ, .
DEKA’s innovative solution powered by Monochromatic Excimer Light (MEL@308 nm). Traditional treatments often come with repeated sessions and serious side effects, but Excilite-μ offers a revolutionary approach to addressing these skin conditions.
The introduction of MEL@308 nm source for Targeted Phototherapy marks a significant breakthrough in dermatological treatment. Developed and launched by DEKA, this technology minimizes undesirable side effects associated with traditional NB UVB sources, particularly over the long term.
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How It Works
- Monochromatic Excimer Light (MEL@308 nm): Excilite-μ utilizes Monochromatic Excimer Light at a wavelength of 308 nm, targeting specific skin conditions such as vitiligo and psoriasis.
- Targeted Phototherapy: The introduction of MEL@308 nm source for Targeted Phototherapy marks a significant advancement over traditional NB UVB sources. This technology allows for more precise and effective treatment.
- Reduction of Side Effects: Excilite-μ reduces undesirable side effects associated with traditional treatments, particularly over the long term. This ensures a safer and more comfortable treatment experience for patients.
<li><strong>Practical and Versatile</strong>: Excilite-μ is practical and versatile, making it an indispensable tool for outpatient dermatological treatment. Its innovative technology encourages daily use and allows for easy mastery of its functions.</li>
<li><strong>Selective Treatment</strong>: The monochromatic excimer source of Excilite-μ enables targeted and selective treatment of various skin pathologies on both small and larger surfaces, with shorter treatment times.</li>
<li><strong>Compact and Easy to Maintain</strong>: From a practical standpoint, Excilite-μ is compact, easy to move, and requires minimal maintenance. This ensures an excellent cost-benefit ratio for physicians, contributing to efficient and effective patient care.</li>
Need to know more
about the technology?
- Hair Removel
- Vascular Treatment
- Benign Pigmented
- Non-Ablative Skin
- Rejuvenation
- Leg Veins
- Pseudofolliculitis Barbae
- Onychomycosis

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